Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Someone pointed out the other day that I like to spread out in bed. I do love to sleep, but I'm not entirely sure what they mean....


Friday, August 11, 2006


I live in London. Everyone expects it to be very cold and miserable but this summer was one of the hottest on record. To keep the animals cool they gave them special frozen treats like these frozen carrots for these piglets. I just had lots of icecream, - my favourite is Hagen-Das Belgian Chocolate. I'm glad I dont take the tube very often, it was awfully stuffy down there.


Friday, August 04, 2006

Introducing Baxter

This is my friend Baxter. He is a German bear (athough he doesnt sound it), has a Burberry neck-tie, and is my favourite parter in crime. I thought I'd introduce him because wherever I am he is usually not far behind.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

In The Beginning....

Welcome to my blog! With this first post I am starting the construction of something much bigger, - who knows what the future will bring or how big it will grow? I guess just like planting a seed you just have to provide the right conditions and hope for the best. I hope you enjoy reading about the antics of my friends and I and check back regularly to see what I've been up to.